A blog by and about a bipolar, ADHD Mom with anxiety, PTSD, depression, panic and agoraphobia (Flabbergasted Mom) & her spouse (Man of the House) with depression and possible ADD.
I wish my life was as peaceful as this picture I took LOOKS!
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Wednesday, 31 July 2013
Just realized one of my posts never went through
I had written a post about it. About how I was feeling but I noticed now that it isn't here.
It's really hard for me to tell right now how much of my depression is related to grief vs my "usual" low mood.
Am tossing around the idea of calling the grief counselling service offered through the funeral home but I am afraid that I might be too " whatever" for them to understand.
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network
Sometimes I think parenthood will be the death of me
Tonight it was over TWO HOURS of my 11-year-old freaking out because he wanted mini-doughnuts about an hour or more after he went to bed.
He came down, said he couldn't sleep and then saw the mini-doughnuts (he'd had some earlier in the day) and he demanded doughnuts.
I said no, it was well past his bedtime and he'd already brushed his teeth.
I said he could have some tomorrow and he needed to go back to bed.
Instead he immediately went into full-on tantrum mode.
Hubs and I were called "stupid", "idiot" "the worst parents ever", we were told that we "suck" and that he "hate[d]" us.
So we threw the mini-doughnuts in the garbage.
And still it went on.
Till after midnight - he kept coming back out of his room, yelling and screaming.
It's like he can't stop.
And I've read that some people with ADHD start arguments and escalate them because it does something for their brain chemistry.
I seriously wonder if my 11-year-old had ADHD as well as his ASD.
It's a tough combo. A family where everyone (except my youngest) has some diagnosis which relates to cognitive behaviour and emotional regulation.
After we finally got my 11-year-old settled down - we had a cuddle and a talk.
Here's an exact quote, "...but Mom, I just get too angry to think and I can't stop."
It feels like nothing works.
We are yellers - but we (Hubs and I) hate it.
We've tried anger time-out cards - but that didn't work.
We've tried traditional time outs.
We've tried whispering (the idea was to make the kids stop tantruming and get quieter so they could hear us).
We've tried revoking privledges.
We've tried saying "we are not talking until you settle down" and then ignoring (that time I got spit on).
We've tried walking away (and he's followed and then attached himself to my legs).
I've even locked MYSELF in my room and said I needed a time out from the situation and he sat and repeatedly kicked the door and yelled through at me. He didn't stop that time until *I* started bawling (this was last year).
I am at a loss here.
And I need to have a good cry.
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
Tv talk - Switched at Birth
Last chance to avoid a major spoiler...
Re: John's heart attack at the end of the ep w/ Regina doing CPR after calling 911
(Cross-posted from the twop forums)
So am I the only one hoping that John dies?
A parental death can impact all areas of the kids lives: maybe Toby would postpone the wedding to be there for his Mom. It could draw Bay back to her Kennish side and also bring her and Daphne closer while giving Regina and Angelo the challenge of being there for the girls without over-stepping.
Kathryn could inherit or be waived into John's senatorial seat and maybe choose to become an Independent representative to get away from creepy dude.
Regina could feel redeemed by resucitating John so he could say goodbye to Kathryn but then he could die en route to hospital w/ Kathryn at his side and his last words showing his love of his family.
Bay could bond w/ Regina by confessing her feelings of guilt from their last conversation and bond w/ Mary Beth over how it feels to have someone that close to you die.
Then Ty could go away because he couldn't handle it emotionally and Emmett could come back into the picture as an emotional support for both girls.
Seeing them lose their father could help Emmett see how foolish he is being about his own father & he could apologize and encourage his dad to get the implant
We'd also have a storyline for Travis as Kathryn could reveal that John was truly considering him for the car wash management position and we could see he and Toby operating the business - both head of what they are best at. Toby at finances and advertising and dealing w/ problematic people.
Travis with hands on work and direct management of staff.
And it can help Angelo for when his daughter is found, he can speak the years John lost w/ Daphne and you have a tearjerker for the judge re: him not wanting the same w/ his youngest daughter.
--- additional thoughts
It opens Kathryn to new relationships (hopefully not too soon).
Adrianna could help around the house and feel connected and be a loving mother figure to Kathryn and give Regina a taste of jealousy - enabling her to parent both girls w/ new insight.
Oh and w/ Kathryn going independent - she could change her view on the proposed bill and support birth control, inadvertently causing an additional rift between Toby and Nikki, while gaining respect from Bay and Daphne.
(Sometimes it's just easier to focus on distractions like TV than to talk about real things)
Real life stuff...
Grandpa's funeral was exactly a week ago.
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network